How to be a Good Dealer in the Lock Industry?

A proverb says that good wine needs no bush. However, this is not suitable for the lock industry in the present age. Now, consumers are regarded as the core. For lock dealers, it is significant to do good customer service. Specifically, lock dealers must pay more attention to word-of-mouth communication and provide good after-sales service. Only by truly satisfying customers can we promote the long-term development of enterprises.

                                               A Lock

Attach Importance to Word-of-mouth Communication

Lock dealers are in contact with the second batch of customers and end users. When dealers really understand the products and the connotation of the brand, and sincerely like and fall in love with the products, such dealers will become excellent communicators of the company's brand. However, word-of-mouth communication is also a double-edged sword. While there are positive word-of-mouth, there will also be negative one. As the saying goes, "for evil news rides fast, while good news baits later".

Offer Good After-sales Service

First of all, lock dealers should establish a correct concept of after-sales service. Sellers should establish a concept of "sincerely serving customers", and offer good after-sales service instead of a publicity stunt.

Secondly, in the increasingly competitive market, dealers pay attention to good customer service, provide better service than competitors and offer premium service beyond consumers' expectations. For example, help customers solve the problem of unsalable goods, or replace the product near its expiration for clients.

Finally, as a distributor, you should handle customer complaints with a peaceful attitude. In fact, no matter how well the service is done, it is impossible to satisfy all customers. Therefore, if there is a complaint, it is necessary to listen to the opinions put forward by customers and solve problems for them in a timely and effective manner, which can not only enhance and consolidate the relationship with customers, but also promote the sales growth.

In a word, as a distributor, choosing a good brand and products is the key. Besides, learn service marketing to provide customers with perfect service.